BIZ office Leasing has one of the largest office portfolios in Hong Kong, and it specializes in providing high-quality service and professional management, offering tenants an extensive choice of areas and locations. The portfolio contains approximately ten million square feet of gross floor area in Hong Kong, and it will keep growing. BIZ Office Leasing's experienced, attentive management complements its top-quality premises and the latest high-tech facilities with professional service meeting business needs as diverse as its clientele.


Covering Hong Kong

  • An ample, spread-out and balanced portfolio
  • Diverse portfolio providing a wide choice of rents, areas and locations for businesses to flourish.
  • Many developments are icon buildings adding prestige and transforming neighbourhoods into thriving centres.
  • Highly-accessible locations along major rail lines like the Airport Express and MTR.
  • Growing portfolio in Hong Kong and Mainland.

Setting New Standards

  • SHKP builds premium-quality office developments, setting new standards in terms of planning, materials, facilities and decor to suit the market.
  • Various landmarks reinforce Hong Kong's status as an international metropolis:
    - Central Plaza: the world's tallest reinforced concrete building at the time it was completed.
    - Two ifc: Hong Kong's tallest building at the time it was completed.
    - International Commerce Centre: currently the world's fourth tallest building and the tallest building in Hong Kong.

Top Service Stays Competitive

  • SHKP office developments supplement fine materials and the latest high-tech facilities to meet business needs.
  • Premium customer service keeps the portfolio competitive.

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