- Save energy
- Save water
- Turn off the lighting before leaving
- Turn off the master switch of printer before leaving
- The last user should turn off the power after use
- Reuse envelopes
- Please print on both sides of paper
- Send emails to reduce the use of paper
- Bring your own mug to office. Say no to paper cups
- Please minimize the number of copies
- Use blank side of used paper for printing and photocopying
- Keep at 25.5°C for a green city
- Separate waste at source. Support recycling
- Reduce waste. Bring your own bag
- Recycle rechargeable batteries
- Use rechargeable batteries
- Use appliances with Grade 1 Energy Label
- Choose products with the least packaging
- Choose refillable goods
- Use handkerchief instead of tissue paper
Please visit the following links for more tips:
Green Tips
Green Office Tips
Green Living Tips
Eco Tips
http://www.globalstewards.org/ecotips.htm |